Board of Directors
RAEIN-Africa is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board members provide policy oversight and steer the organization towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical and legal governance and financial management policies. In addition, the Board ensures that the organization has adequate resources to advance its mission.
From 2004 to 2013, RAEIN-Africa regional Board of Directors had representatives from ten countries in which activities and nodes had been established. Currently, the Board has four Directors representing farmers and research institutions in the region.
Our strategy is to build African impetus for social, economic and environmental integrity, working collaboratively with the various stakeholders and the grassroots.
Advisory Committees
Project specific Steering Committees (SC) and/or Technical and Advisory Committees (TAC) provide technical backstopping to RAEIN-Africa on initiated activities. The Technical Advisory Committees or Steering Committees are multidisciplinary, with participation of representatives from various stakeholder groups contributing in the project or experts representing the various expert areas included in the project. The unit can co-opt individual specialists, if need be, for Technical Backstopping.