Innovative Technologies for Enhancement of production systems and management of the environment (ITEM)
Innovative technologies for enhancing rural livelihoods
Multi-stakeholder innovation platforms were established and empowered to address context specific challenges on improved productivity, food security and livelihoods of resource constrained rural communities. Innovation platforms worked on:
This platform contributed to improved food security and livelihood development through the use of quality sweet potato planting materials produced through tissue culture. In addition to an increase in biodiversity of sweet potatoes to the Makhanga community, substantial yield increases were recorded.
Livestock production is the major source of livelihood for rural communities in Namibia. Productivity is threatened by inbreeding and reduced vigour of the available genetic materials. This platform used artificial insemination (AI) to contribute to improved livestock productivity in cattle. Through the platform, a number of smallholder farmers have been trained in a number of areas including AI, disease management and overall rangeland management.
Improving Smallholder Farmers’ Livelihoods through Use of Disease Free Banana Planting Materials and Coordinated Mechanisms of Actors in the Banana Value Chain (Tanzania)