Regional Agricultural and Environmental  


The ISP-TEESA Theory of Change

Turning innovation systems approach theory into practice was the driver behind RAEIN-Africa’s ISP TEESA Theory of Change (TOC). Based on its earlier experiences, and advised by its Board and by stakeholders in various SADC countries, a theory of change was articulated. The TOC emphasized two main strategies: knowledge & technology development, and policy & governance influencing. The two strategies were meant to be mutually reinforcing.

The Theory of Change spells out:

An integrated approach to the variety of knowledge generation and innovation projects

An integrated approach to the variety of knowledge generation and innovation projects that creates synergy, addresses context specific challenges, supports capacity development, and creates an enabling environment that helps emerging technologies work for the poor.

Public participation in policy formulation, implementation and monitoring

Public participation in policy formulation, implementation and monitoring, and in the development of an enabling policy and regulatory environment necessary for maximizing the benefits of science and technology and innovations in SADC.

Establishment of innovation platforms on technologies, governance and policy influencing

The establishment of innovation platforms on technologies, governance and policy influencing. Such platforms bring together stakeholders from science (multi-disciplinary), government, civil society groups, community representatives, media, and legal and regulatory bodies.

Other significant supporting projects

National needs assessment studies aimed at influencing agenda setting towards responsiveness to communities’ needs and contexts, need driven research, development of high-level guidelines in relation to biotechnology and biosafety, training on innovation systems approaches and in relevant technical skills, and regional exchange and learning events.